29 | STEVENS STUDENT HANDBOOK sprinklers, smoke detectors and sensors. g. Displaying mock fire exit signs in a student room. h. Failure to evacuate a campus building when a fire alarm is activated. i. Use of fog machines and other items that may trigger fire or smoke alarms. 9. Misuse of Technology The following are prohibited: a. Making or assisting in making harassing, threatening, or unwanted telephone calls, emails, text messages, or otherwise misusing or abusing telephone, computer or similar equipment or systems. b. Intentional disruption of the University’s computer systems; unauthorized alteration, disclosure or destruction of Stevens’ computer systems; improper access to the computer files and systems belonging to the University or another member of the Stevens community; or violation of copyright or proprietary material restrictions connected with the University’s computer systems, programs or material. c. Computer abuse, including but not limited to plagiarism of programs, misuse of computer accounts, unauthorized destruction of files, creating illegal accounts, possession of unauthorized passwords, hacking, reverse-engineering and disruptive or annoying behavior, in each case using the University’s computer system. d. The use of technology, including social media, to harass, bully, intimidate or threaten any person. e. Filming or recording another person without their permission. f. Any violations of the Division of Information Technology’s Acceptable Use Policy or Information Security Policy. 10. Non-Compliance with University Directives The following are prohibited: a. Failure to comply with the directives of a Stevens official acting in the performance of their duties, or failure to respond to a request from an administrative office within the designated time. b. Intentionally and substantially interfering with the freedom of expression of others on the campus or at a University-sponsored activity. c. Knowingly violating the terms of any disciplinary sanction imposed by the University. d. Failure to participate in a University investigation or knowingly providing incorrect or misleading information in the context of a University investigation 11. Use of and Possession of Prohibited Items The following are prohibited on university property: a. The use of drones, unmanned aerial vehicles or any other similar devices on University property. Please see Stevens Policy on Drone Use here. b. The use of skateboards, scooters, roller skates, rollerblades, hoverboards or other personal transportation devices on University property. Battery powered transportation devices are not permitted in any University buildings. Please see Stevens’ Policy on Personal Transportation Devices. c. The use of electric kitchen appliances, particularly those with exposed heating elements, such as toasters, toaster ovens, air fryers, hot pots, coffee makers with an exposed heating element (pod coffee makers are permitted) and electric grills.